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Why do an inventory? LBMCOC councillor explains in this video

Imagine living in a small, friendly, quiet community that’s surrounded by a stunning, natural landscape and coastline and that’s only ~10 kilometres away from an upscale metropolitan region.

More and more people are imagining and realizing this idyllic lifestyle in one of the most easterly communities of Canada’s most easterly province. Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove (LBMCOC) is a rural community north-east of the City of St. John’s, the modern capital of Newfoundland & Labrador. LBMCOC is so rural, in fact, that every house has its own well and septic system and cows are running around the fields! 

And it’s this idyllic setting that has the population of 2,200 bursting at the seams as people are attracted to working in St John’s while living in LBMCOC. This growth has led to LBMCOC facing challenges that many communities of all sizes and locations are experiencing: the pressures of increasing development and population, increasing costs, and impacts of climate change on their ability to provide services to their residents. It’s a challenge Councillor Paul Ryan is addressing in a way that’s unconventional, cost-effective, yet becoming increasingly popular. Listen to what his solution is here, and it all starts with taking an inventory of existing natural assets:

Councillor Paul Ryan explains why natural asset management 
is the perfect approach for his community.

view of calm waters through tree branches

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