Tag: 2022
Case Example
From Disaster to Resilience: Grand Forks’ Transformation Through Floodplain Naturalization
Last year, a large flood was forecasted for Grand Forks, BC, one that would rival the record-breaking disaster that devastated the community…
Grindstone Creek Watershed
When NAI first began working with local governments, inventory projects were generally confined within a specific area, often at the sub-watershed level.…
Linking nature and infrastructure – a challenging dialogue
Every day, local governments rely on advice from engineers, planners, landscape architects, accountants, specialized asset managers and others to manage infrastructure. But…
News Release
Worth Protecting: Grindstone Creek Watershed Provides $2 Billion in Stormwater Management Services
Project finds natural assets part of community climate infrastructure HALTON REGION, ON., December 6, 2022 — At a time when Ontario’s Greenbelt…
Open Letter
Open Letter: Feedback on Canada’s National Adaptation Strategy
On November 24, 2022, the Government of Canada released its Canada’s National Adaptation Strategy: Building Resilient Communities and a Strong Economy,for final comment. Nature,…
Natural Asset Management Workshop Series
Register Now! Fall 2023 NAM Workshop Series Take your natural asset management (NAM) knowledge to the next level; fall registration is now…
News Release
MNAI Appoints 3 New Board Members
Victoria, BC, October 7, 2022 — The Municipal Natural Assets Initiative (MNAI) is pleased to announce the expansion of their Board of Directors…
Blog Post
Capacity Building for Local Governments
MNAI is developing the professional natural asset management support that local governments need and we invite your input! Let us know what…
The path to scale
Only a few short years ago the Town of Gibsons, BC, pioneered natural asset management and for a while was the single,…
News Release
News Release: New National Standard of Canada will help standardize natural asset inventories
NEWS RELEASE New National Standard of Canada will help standardize natural asset inventories FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFebruary 15, 2022 VICTORIA, BC / TORONTO,…
Resource to help navigate and implement O. Reg. 588/17
Ontario is the first province in Canada to regulate asset management planning at the municipal level. Regulation Asset Management Planning for Municipal…